8Khz BLCD samsung

Повідомлень: 1
З нами з: 22 травня 2023 01:04

8Khz BLCD samsung

Повідомлення TTipTTop »

Hello everyone,
sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section, but I'm a rookie. But one by one today I tired my samsung fridge, the problem is that the aggregate, despite the fact that it "is loud like a motor", but in addition, it just makes a tiring squeak at 8 Khz, especially it can be heard at idle. After browsing a ton of internet I found your video with the test device and I'm listening and there is also 8Khz like a bell. is there any version of the inverter that would retune it somewhere higher so that I wouldn't hear it? Unless it's the fault of the unit itself, it may be damaged. I'm ok with electronics but I don't know about fridges yet.
The question is what can be done about it?

Samsung RR39M7320s9 rev.02

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Повідомлень: 546
З нами з: 05 червня 2019 12:36

Re: 8Khz BLCD samsung

Повідомлення nix »

TTipTTop писав: 22 травня 2023 01:47 is there any version of the inverter that would retune it somewhere higher so that I wouldn't hear it? Unless it's the fault of the unit itself, it may be damaged.
Hello. Is is not a fault of your inverter board, it is set to 8 kHz PWM. As I know there is no way to increase PWM frequency there.
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